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Taking a Leap of Faith on a Podcast

Taking a Leap of Faith Twice!

Recently I was interviewed on the Courage Becomes Her podcast led by executive business coach and advisor, Laurel Emory, Ph.D. In this interview with Laurel, my friend and mentor, we discuss my leap of faith to evolve and grow my business – what we don’t talk about is the leap of faith it took to do the podcast itself! 

When she first asked me to join her I was thrilled and excited at the thought of being asked… but I quickly added a caveat to my “yes” answer. “But can I be the last one in this series?” I said yes to the opportunity, but I was scared to death. I needed to buy myself some time to muster up the courage. 

Laurel’s podcast consists of unscripted conversations with relatable, inspiring women doing life and business just like you and me – it’s beautiful and so real… but, was I one of those women? 

images of Erin Davis and Laurel Emory with title of Courage Becomes Her podcast

Click on the image to hear Laurel Emory interview me about my leap of faith to expand my business to serve women entrepreneurs!

Soon, my fears doubled down and mingled with a healthy dose of imposter syndrome. The thought song ringing in my head sounded something like this: “What if I sound stupid”, “What if I can’t answer all her questions”, “What if no one listens”, “What if I get bad reviews”, “who am I to do this”, “who would want to listen to me?” … you get the picture.

Taking Imperfect Action to Launch

I had been working on the expansion of my business and service audience (women entrepreneurs) for nearly a year but still had not launched it. The podcast gave me the push to take the advice of another business coach: Take inspired, imperfect action because action stops fear. (thanks Kate 😉 )

As the podcast approached I did what my time and resources allowed to put a launch plan together. This looked like getting a new social page up on Instagram (which I got help to do), posting a couple blogs (also got help to do), making some website changes (with help), and sharing the links with friends and colleagues. I am a marketing coach – this was not a perfect launch plan – a bit too far from it actually. But it was inspired (which made it work for me) and, while imperfect, taking these steps eased my fear. Now here I am writing my next blog and sharing with my people again. 

Taking inspired, imperfect action led me to launch Matchbox Women which felt amazing and helped me take the next imperfect action. Soon I’ll be on to the next… the truth is there is no perfect action! 

Mini-strategy session pack

This imperfect action also led me to hear from clients who shared a need I had not previously considered. Small strategy sessions to help kick-start clients who need one-on-one support to take the next step in their business… and may or may not be ready for the larger commitment of 90 days with my regular coaching package. 

Could this be what you need too? Is this your inspired, imperfect action? Join me on a FREE Clarity Call to find out. Fill out my quick form and we can get you on my calendar. 

Let’s consider this mini-strategy coaching pack a soft launch of your next best step! Maybe it is opening up to getting support, maybe it is a safe place to share your fears. It could help you make the final decision on which platforms to market on, or how to refine your messaging… These two sessions are yours to direct – but I will encourage and support you to take action. 

Your Turn

How can you take inspired, imperfect action? Comment on this post and tell me all about it!

And if you haven’t, listen to me and Laurel’s chat! Send me an email or comment on this post and what comes up for you after listening in?

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