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Discover Where Your Target Client Hangs Out On Social Media

The bond between brands and target clients has evolved into something truly special, thanks in large part to the rise of social media platforms. These platforms have become our playground for connecting, creating, and collaborating, presenting us with endless possibilities to build meaningful relationships.

One thing we all understand, regardless of the industry we’re in, is that at the core of it all, we’re in the business of building connections. Social media serves as our virtual meeting place, where we can come together to share stories, ideas, and experiences that resonate deeply with our audience.

But what if you haven’t discovered where your target audience hangs out yet?

Where to Find Your Target Client on Social Media

Discovering where to find your target client on social media is like embarking on a treasure hunt filled with exciting possibilities. It all begins by understanding your client inside and out—their likes, dislikes, aspirations, and the unique solutions your business offers to meet their needs. Once you’ve painted a vivid picture of your target client, it’s time to delve into the world of social media to find their digital footprints.

Start by exploring various social media platforms with a curious and open mindset. Think of it as strolling through different neighborhoods, each with its own charm and character. Use social media analytics tools to peek inside and uncover valuable insights about your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and engagement patterns. Dive into platform demographics to see where your target client is most active, whether it’s the vibrant streets of Instagram, the professional corridors of LinkedIn, or the interactive communities of Facebook groups.

But don’t stop there—engage directly with your audience to discover their favorite hangouts. Conduct polls, surveys, or simply strike up conversations to gather firsthand insights into where they love to spend their time online. Combine these personal interactions with industry reports, competitor analysis, and market trends to create a dashboard of data that guides your marketing efforts. With this holistic approach, you’ll not only find where your target clients are but also build deeper connections that resonate authentically with them on social media.

Interpreting Metrics: The 30,000-foot View

When interpreting information on a large scale, I believe it’s crucial to strike a balance between external data (like Facebook stats) and your managerial insights (like hard data from your email marketing campaigns.) Your business’s unique data, tailored to your specific audience and goals, can offer a depth of understanding that general reports might not capture.

For example, I recently learned about a nonprofit whose email marketing data shows that a whopping 95% of their audience opens their email newsletter from a desktop computer. Typical statistics show just under 27% of people worldwide prefer to read email on their desktop. So how could I use this information? If I were creating marketing emails for this specific nonprofit, I would use colorful photos and larger text since I could safely assume this is a more mature audience that may have accessibility challenges and can best be served with easy-to-read content. 

While broader statistics, like the 27% mentioned above, are valuable for big-picture strategies, such as determining posting times or brainstorming content ideas, your managerial data, like the 95% of desktop users, holds the key to deepening the know-like-trust factor with your existing audience.

At the core, general stats guide our overall direction but it’s important to prioritize your target client’s needs and preferences. By focusing on your unique audience and engaging with them directly on their preferred platforms and at the right times, you can create stronger connections and experiences that resonate on a personal level. It’s this combination of external insights and internal organizational wisdom that gives businesses the tools to truly make an impact in their communities.

Advertising vs. Connecting 

Once you have found your target audience, staying flexible with your messaging is important. Let’s talk for a moment about advertising—the engine that keeps social media platforms free for all of us to enjoy. While it’s the lifeblood of these platforms, we’ve also heard from our friends out there that sometimes they feel a bit bombarded by all the ads popping up on their feeds. It’s a delicate balance, reminding us of the importance of crafting advertising strategies that capture attention and add value to our target client’s scrolling experience. We’ve noticed a growing weariness among consumers when it comes to overly promotional brand content. It’s like they’re craving something more authentic, more relatable—content that feels like a genuine conversation rather than a sales pitch. 

For smaller businesses, ads offer a quick way to expand your email list, promote limited-time offers, or make special deals. However, growing and scaling can also happen organically through SEO and blogging, affiliate marketing, collaborations with industry experts, podcast appearances, and more. Ads are just one tool in your toolbelt. It is reassuring that there are a number of different avenues you can take to create genuine connections and achieve your goals.

Imagine the joy and connection we could create if our content was not just tolerated but actually enjoyed by our target client. It’s a goal worth striving for, don’t you think?

Have more questions about marketing – or anything else? Fill out this anonymous survey, and I’m happy to answer in an upcoming newsletter or blog post. 

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