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Confessions of a Quitter

I have a bit of a confession that I wanted to share with you because I think it may make you feel less alone, and my ultimate hope is that you feel more connected to me. Relationships are built on vulnerability, truth, and trust. My brand is built on authenticity, so here I am, showing up as I promised I would.

I’ve long held onto the belief that I am a quitter. I start things, get going, hit a roadblock or challenge, and then quit. I even have examples to prove it. Here’s a quick list:

– Auditioned for an advanced ballet school, made it, got scared, and quit before I even started. 

– Completed my Master’s Degree program, wrote my thesis, hit some roadblocks alongside some other opportunities and quit—didn’t finish. I was one step from the finish line and quit. Who does that?!

– Started to learn Spanish—set the goals and made the plan, took classes, traveled to an abroad language school, was doing great, hit some mental roadblocks and quit. I know less now than I did when I began way back when in high school. 

And there are many other goals I’ve started and quit when they got hard. 

Fear of Success

I think success scares me. Does it scare you too?

Even here, right now, with you, I feel those familiar feelings of wanting to pull back in this business because success can be scarier than failure. All those “what if” tendrils start to weave tightly around your heart and mind.

(I am trying not to cringe for myself right now—please give me a virtual hug, this feels like I could be oversharing.)

Moving on.

Do Something Different

But as the great online business guru Amy Porterfield says, when you hit a roadblock, DSD—Do Something Different. So, today I am.

I am changing the lens I see myself through right here, right now. Do it with me.

Maybe your lens says: “You are not worth it,” “You have quit before,” “You don’t have enough money, time, skill, support, fill-in-the-blank.”

Changing the Lens

Let’s put on our new lenses. What do yours need to say to you?

– “I am enough”

– “I have everything I need already inside me”

– “I was made for this”

– “I was created for good works”

– “His plan for me is good”

– “Yes, I can do this”

– “I have all the time I need”

– “I can be a mom and a business owner and still kill it”

– “I am a badass”

To be honest, I have things to prove I am not a quitter too:

– I am raising 4 kids, still

– I am a good wife, still

– I am running a business, still

– I am growing a business, still

– I am staying on-brand in my work, and it feels right and good, still

– I study my Bible and pray (almost) daily, still

– I go to Pilates (mostly twice per week), still

So, I don’t quit everything, and neither do you. And look! My not-quit list is longer than my quit-list. 

That #5 on my list… Do you know what on-brand in your life or business looks like? It should feel right and good, and it can for you too.

Share with me what this blog brought up for you. Was it a limiting belief, authenticity, or a new lens that you will see yourself through?

Tell me friend… It’s me on the other end of this. Email me here.

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