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Unleashing Your Authentic Brand: Navigating Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Growth

Well, I was on my second podcast! And not just any podcast, the Success with Soul Podcast by Kate Korsdmeier. In case you missed it, in less than 30 minutes or as you wait for kids in the school pick-up line, you can listen in!  

In this episode you will hear from my heart about how I have learned that success extends beyond mere revenue metrics. Despite my initial prosperity, the burnout was real, and I came to a pivotal realization: my business model wasn’t sustainable. This led me to join the Incubator (a business coaching program lead by Kate Kordsmeier), where I learned principles of running a sustainable business and then added my authentic spin to bring me to Matchbox Women and the True You Brand Method today. If you’re in search of wisdom on how to overcome challenges, evade burnout, and carve out a path to enduring success by building an authentic brand, this episode is a must-listen for you.

But there is always more to the story than just what’s in the episode! 

Full disclosure I am never comfortable being in the spotlight. I am not usually quick on my feet, which can leave me feeling unnerved and dabbling in the ‘what if’ game a bit too long. The fact that this podcast was also going to be filmed for YouTube threw an extra level of palpating heart beats into the mix. But my true heart longs to be my best self and show up to share the gifts and purpose that God has planned for me. This often puts me in the discomfort zone, but I never regret it. These two things push me beyond my fears.

I did not see or hear the episode until you all did. Dear Lord, the biggest thing that stood out to me were the umms and long pauses. I cringed every time I heard them! In an effort to be as thoughtful as I can be and answer the questions posed to me honestly, I had to pause and think… and while I thought I said umm (way too many times)…. And then I also said umm just because apparently it’s my habit. 

So I brought this ‘fail’ to my business coach to get her guidance on how to stop this, how can I train out of this, or what tips does she have that could help me do this less. Her response surprised me! She said, “don’t spend any time working on this or fretting about needing to change it.” She continued, “you showed up, were thoughtful, and it resonated… the umms were minor. No one noticed as much as you.”

How I Shifted My Focus

This helped me shift my focus to two key things: 

1. Minor challenges only become big if you give them all your attention. This one did not warrant that, so I moved on and feel free to focus on what’s more important to me. 

2. Surrounding myself with mentors and a community that knows me, believes in me, and understands what my goals are is so life-giving! It’s critical to helping me pursue my vision rather than get mired in the minutiae. 

Lastly, having the courage to show up for a podcast, take-in feedback for it, and keep sharing it is a team effort for me. In essence, to believe in and trust myself I surround myself with people who believe in and trust me so I can borrow their energy when I can quite do it all for myself. Who is in your hype-squad matters! Make sure they know you, believe in you, trust you, and want what’s best for you. I lean heavy on my team or mentors and coaches to lift me up when I need it. I rely most heavily on God to remind me who I am and that His trust and belief in me is always available for me to borrow – like it is with my friends, family, and extended circle. 

The moral of this story is – go for it!!

Do it afraid, do it unprepared, push through the discomfort! How you will grow and what you will learn (like all the things I note above) will serve you far beyond the fear or criticism that wants to hold you back. 

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