Home » Unleashing the Power of Authenticity: How to Use your Spirit, Mind, and Body

Unleashing the Power of Authenticity: How to Use your Spirit, Mind, and Body

Many great thinkers and theologians agree we are all made of three distinct parts: SPIRIT-MIND-BODY

They are separate but together they make up our full humanity. Each needs to be fed and nourished. We often feed our body and mind with normal everyday life. We must not forget to give attention and time to our spirit which fuels our authenticity through our mind and body.

Matchbox Women authenticity diagram

Each part of our humanity needs regular attention and routine practices that keep them healthy and thriving. We may not realize it but we bring each of these elements to everything we do. The healthier each part of us, the healthier our interactions and the more authentic we become.  This is life long work, not a destination. Getting clear these elements of our being can help us live more authentically and find our way back to ourselves when things go array. 


Our Spirit is our lifeforce and is eternal, our Mind is the container for the soul, our personality, thoughts and how we behave in the world. The Body contains the five senses and is how we process the world around us and take physical action in life. 


(WHY you do life) This is the life source within us that connects to the divine, it holds your meaning, purpose, and love. Our spirit enables us to love one another, our self and the divine. It is that which renews our mind and body. Your Spirit represents your core beliefs and the practices you put in place to nurture them and connect with the divine. 

The Spirit animates your calling and purpose in life and helps you define your WHY. Your WHY is the true underlying reason you exist, how you live and do what you do. When your SPIRIT-MIND-BODY are in alignment you are not only authentic but can find peace, contentment, and energy. 

Take Action: How do you/will you nurture your spirit regularly to fuel your WHY? ( ex: pray, recite affirmations or scripture, meditate, commune with nature, be still, worship, be inspired, watch a sunset, help someone)


(HOW you do life) The home of your soul that lives through your thoughts, will and emotions. Our mind has a conscious part and a subconscious part. The conscious mind is where we do our thinking and reasoning. The subconscious mind is where we hold our deep beliefs and our attitudes. It’s also where we have our feelings, our emotions and retain our memories. Our will is what gives us the ability to make choices. 

Beliefs and attitudes, determined in large degree by our faith or beliefs about the universe, will play a major role in our thinking patterns. Our day to day thinking will have an impact on our emotions and feelings, and our emotions and feelings will have a major impact on our behaviors. In this regard, our thought patterns play a significant role in our emotional and physical health.

What are your core beliefs about yourself, your identity, your reasons for existence? Consider journaling about these items and praying or meditating over these questions.

Take Action: What practices, habits or self care will you commit to, to steward your mind and fuel your WHY? (Ex: do art, be creative, read, journal, declutter something, write a letter to someone, disconnect from tech, have a good cry, go on a swing, study something important to you)


(What you do in life) Through complex ways, our mind, our will and our emotions are connected to the body through all our body’s systems. The spirit energizes our thought life and emotions (mind), which influences the choices we make regarding our physical health and activities (body). 

Take Action: What practices, habits or self care will you commit to, to so steward your body that fuels your WHY and in consideration of your MIND? (Ex: limit sugar intake, rest & recover, drink more water, go for a walk or hike, eat the rainbow, camp, schedule a workout, do 30 jumping jacks)

The SPIRIT-MIND-BODY are all interconnected and we must attend to all three. Some activities you choose to do will nourish all three – a walk in nature for example. Others will primarily attend to just one – being still in solitude and silence. Staying true to ourselves needs this foundation for sustainability as well as clarity. 

Never Give Up!

We all get off-track! It could be for a day, a moment, a season or longer. It’s ok. You are human and it is normal to fall short, lose hope, steam and forget which way is up. When you find yourself there, come back to this diagram and this self-work you have done to remind yourself who you are and WHY you are doing what you do!

Download the diagram below to create a picture of how you will care for each part of you!


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  1. I love all of this. Thanks for the reminder and also the visual, seeing the YOU are the value made me think of myself whole, not in parts. I love it!

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